
If you have a baby, or have one in your family, check out the best apps to identify your baby's crying.

Whenever a baby cries, it is always a concern, because at such a young age he is expressing that something is not right in his language.

However, only with the passing of time is it possible to understand what this child's crying refers to.


Therefore, we created a list of the best apps to identify the crying of these little ones, and thus take the necessary measures.


Firstly, we have ChatterBaby, an application designed to identify baby cries and capable of identifying a wide variety of cries.

This application recognizes your baby's cry and compares it with the different cries in its database, and accurately returns the result.

It also uses artificial intelligence, and makes this connection automatically, which allows for qualified sound analysis.

Furthermore, the platform enables specific alerts when the baby needs urgent advice.

I slept

Secondly, we have Dormi, an automatic application that activates when the child starts crying.

This application quickly identifies the reason for crying and informs you of the actions to be taken.

Furthermore, the platform allows monitoring during your sleep, as it has a night vision camera feature, so you will have an accurate view of the situation.

It is worth mentioning that the application records all the cries expressed by the baby in its database for possible comparisons.

Baby Cry Translator

In third place we have Baby Cry Translator, an application that is incredibly accurate in detecting your baby's cries.

Because it has a comparison of different types of crying capable of identifying with up to 90% precision the causes of the most common crying.

This application has a comparison database, so you won't have any doubts when analyzing.

It is worth considering that this application delivers results in several languages, so you can analyze in a large part of the world.


Our fourth option is CryAnalyzer, an application designed to decipher a baby's cry and inform you what action to take.

This application activates as soon as the cry is emitted, and automatically gives you the reason for the cry and the action to be performed.

This application is so accurate that even if there are other sounds in the environment, it will only capture the crying that will be evaluated.

It works offline and has a very intuitive and easy-to-use interface.

Baby Monitor 3G

In fifth place we have the Baby Monitor 3G, it is specifically designed to alert parents about the baby's needs through crying.

It can identify a child's crying, even from long distances, and sends an alert to caregivers about the real reasons for their crying.

This application features video monitoring, so you can see your baby wherever you are, regardless of the brightness of the room.

The platform allows you to receive notifications silently, so you won't disturb other people nearby.


In short, you will never again have difficulty knowing what your child's real motive is, as these applications will help you resolve this doubt.

Therefore, download the best apps to identify your baby's crying right now, as they are available in versions for iOS and Android.